Do You Need Help Setting Up Your Device?

Get new device setup services from trusted technicians

It's hard keeping up with the never-ending stream of technology that's released daily. That's why it's good to have someone on-hand who can show you the ropes. MicroSec offers new device setup services for business owners and seniors in the area. We'll set up your existing devices or recommend the best ones for you.

Contact our team now to learn more about our services.

Helping others is our passion

Whether you purchased a new printer or need help setting up your phone, you can trust our team with the job. We understand how confusing it is setting up devices with minimal instructions. That's why we offer this service - to help you. You're in good hands with our technicians because we're patient, kind and eager to help.

Let's set up your device. Call us today at 518-818-4262 to speak with a member of our team.